Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wrapping it up

I learned a lot from the diabetes kids last week. Like that the blood sugar meters stop reading at 600 because that's an extremely high blood sugar, but when most people get diagnosed they are eight or nine hundred. (Normal is 80-120 ish) Different people react differently to lows and highs. Some common symptoms are headaches or nausea.

The kids were great, really fun to hang out with. I worked with a cabin of 8-10 year old boys who were great. They made me pet rocks and told me all about everything in their lives. So cute! I also got to hang out with my friend Chelsey's cabin of 16 year old girls. On Thursday they thought it would be really super fun to do our hair and make up for the dance so we looked girly, because let's face it, at camp...you look like you live at camp! I think they did a pretty good job:

I was sad to see the kids go on Friday because I knew that they had all had such an amazing week at camp and did not want to leave--and here I was after having had an amazing 9 weeks at camp, facing the reality of packing up and leaving later that same day. Looking back on my summer I can honestly say that camp was one of the best experiences of my life. From the people I worked with to the campers whose lives I got to be a part of for the briefest moment, I loved being a part of it. I feel like camp is my place. It fits my personality and encompasses all my favorite things: working with kids, being outside, and having a job that I love. I wouldn't trade one minute of my summer for the world. I owe a lot of people "thank you's" now that it's all said and done. I am hoping to return to camp next year as a counselor because I want to spend more time and build stronger bonds with the kids. I loved my girls in the health lodge but none of them will be back next year so I feel ready to branch out into other areas of camp.

Camp has been the missing piece to the puzzle of my life, with its sometimes rough edges and monotony in the middle. It makes me feel like I'm doing something amazing that benefits other people as much as it gives me the joy and energy to keep going. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect opportunity to really find passion in something and explore myself on a deeper level. A lot of good has come out of this summer and I can't wait to go back next June and do it all over again. I may continue to post throughout the year with updates or sparks of brilliance, so stay tuned.


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