Tuesday, July 6, 2010

All's well that ends well at the end of the week

So here I am, already two day in to DHH week 2 and I have failed to make an update in quite a few days! Don't worry, you can unclench--I am alive and well! Haha. After a great week with campers that ended, as usual, with the dance, I headed to Oshkosh to spend the 4th with some great friends. Back at camp on Sunday our second week of deaf/hard of hearing kiddos arrived, all 90 of them (it's a smaller population because of the 4th). There are a ton more sign only kiddos this week and as far as the age range goes we are a little top heavy. On Sunday night I got to hang out with eight or nine girls who are 16 and 17. They all know each other through camp and have been coming for years! For some of them, this is it, they will graduate at the end of the week. It struck me, as I was talking to these high school aged girls who, in spite of their hearing impairments are living the same life as the rest of us, that they look up to me--"By golly," I thought, "I'm a role model!" I sure hope that's not a scary though for anybody. It isn't for me, although it does make me much more conscious about what I do and say. Luckily for everybody, I'm pretty well-behaved! (Right, mom?)

Not much else to say about this week. I'm finally getting to do some new and exciting things like archery (which I am decidedly poor at) and using the Gator to take night and morning meds to the cabins on camp outs. I love this because I love to drive and I like driving through the woods because it's so peaceful--until I come tearing through, I guess. teehee. Last Thursday morning I saw a deer and three turkeys.

Below are some pictures from last week's dance and the Health Lesson Holli and I did.
The theme of the week was Olympics, so many of our campers were sporting jerseys to the dance.
This was one of my favorite kiddos. He was sign only and I got to go pontoon fishing with him. He kept signing to me that I was crazy! Maybe it's my inability to put us on fish?!

No, we're not technically supposed to have favorites...but this kiddo captured my heart. She would routinely ask that I sit by her during meals :)
Holli and I taught a Health Lesson on nutrition!
We talked about the food pyramid, then gave the kids blank ones and asked them to draw and cut out different foods they could think of and glue them on to their pyramids. Holli and I were very happy with how they turned out and they are now hanging in the Health Lodge.

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