Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Where's Waldo?

Today was a lot of paperwork and cleaning at the Health Lodge. I also learned to drive a 15 passenger van, a golf cart, and a pontoon boat! I took some pictures around camp so you can see where I am and what I'm up to.

Ta-da! Camp :)

Louie the Lion. He keeps camp safe, so no worries Mom and Dad
Lion's Lake, the sunset, and the Totem Pole, Na-Wak-Wa, standing at 38 feet tall.
This is the Health Lodge.
I'm going to become pretty friendly with this place over the next 60 some odd days :)

More pictures to follow. Here's a little interesting information about Na-wak-wa.!

Courage... Totem Pole

The top figure selected was the Bald Eagle, whom we call ‘mi-gi-zi-wag’. The eagle was best known for his courage and bravery. It is not only our national emblem, but it also represents one of the most famous birds from Wisconsin, Old Abe, the mascot of the 8th Regiment, Company C. In the Civil War, he took part in 22 battles and 60 skirmishes. Old Abe came from the Lac du Flambeau Indian Reservation.


The second figure is the Beaver, whom we call ‘amik’ known for his ambition as a hard worker. One who is always willing to work together as a team to get the job done. It also represents the Lions Clubs who work together for the good of others.


The third figure is the Raven, whom we call ‘gaa-gaa-gishii’. This raven is special because he has the eyes of an Owl, one who sees in the dark. The raven is a very crafty bird, known to be mischievous, very loud and one who likes to attract attention. He is well represented by the Tail Twister in every Lions Club. The little raven, whom by legend, put the stars and moon in the sky, represents the Lions worldwide.


The next figure is the wolf, whom we call ‘ma-iin-gan’. Known for his cunning, he has tremendous stamina, and strength. He represents the Lions Clubs who come up with the clever and new ideas to raise funds for their programs of service.


The next figure is the Bear, whom we call ‘ma-kwa’. One of the strongest of all the wild animals in North America and one of the fastest, known to be an expert fisherman and family provider. He represents the Lions Clubs as the strongest service club in the world.


The Lions Emblem, representing the Lion, whom we call ‘mi-shi-biz-ii’ is the low man on the totem pole, but is also the most important. It is holding up all the rest. The Lions emblem represents the millions of Lions around the world supporting every project, every event, every program of service for their community.

We call it Na-Wak-Wa, which means "a meeting place for friends". We hope this will always be your Na-wak-wa.


  1. Your Old Abe references are incorrect. He was found as a baby eagle on a farm in Big Jim, Wisconsin. The farmer gave him to the regiment as a mascot and he actually saw 37 battles in the Civil War. Maybe you should ask someone who knows (like your cousin who just so happens to be a tour guide at the WI State Capitol building that actually houses Old Abe)

    And of course I'm being a brat.


  2. I literally copied and pasted that fromt he website. And as we all know, the Internet is both all-knowing and never wrong. So shove it up your Wikipedia! <3
