Wednesday, June 16, 2010

More fun from around camp!

I sat on this bench...and it worked!Every Sunday we wear our Lions Camp Scrub tops. This was my first day of campers so I had to celebrate photographically!

SailboatsOut past the boats, our very own inflatable Shamu protects the lakeOn the bottom most part of Na-wak-waThere was a bird's nest with some baby birds in it inside one of the pontoons. How cute!

Gone fishin'
My new friend LeeAnn, one of the counselors. It's her first year, too :)
I orchestrate an intense pontoon rescue! (Or pretend to...)
Indian Point, one of the campsites on the camp groundsThe rope swing
A camper and counselor canoe around Lions Lake

Wow, it has been a busy couple of days. I've been having so much fun getting to know the campers. Meal times are my favorite. During announcements, everyone gets so excited and cheers for just about everything. Our camp director, Andrea, is very genuine and funny and has long-standing relationships with many of the campers. You can tell they like her a lot--and I do too!

Just now, outside the health lodge, one of our campers came up to take pictures of three other campers and their guide dogs. Then one of the nursing assistants came out and asked the camper if she wanted to be in the picture with the dogs--and she got so excited! She was very happy and threw her arms around one of the dogs' necks.

It's been very rainy all week so there hasn't been a lot of opportunity for outdoor fun. But today it's a little warmer and clearer, even though it's not sunny. We did some pontoon rides again this afternoon, and this morning I went fishing with some of the campers. We caught a few small bass, a bluegill, and a sunfish, but ended up throwing them all back. Tonight there are two campouts going on--one with staff, one without. I might swing by for a s'more, but I have to be up early tomorrow so I probably won't stay out.

The trading post is a popular hang out. They sell ice cream, candy, chips, and soda out of the concession window, and inside they have sweatshirts/t-shirts and camp gear. There are some lawn games that go on in front of the trading post and people gather and chat. One of our campers has taken it upon himself to be the DJ and he has had his CD player out every day/night.

Last night was my first time on night call. I was lucky; I didn't get woken up until about 5:40am for a non-emergency.

I can't believe the week is half over already. I'm looking forward to having some good friends come up this weekend. We're going to go camping on the grounds.

On Sunday we'll get our first week of kiddos--I can't wait! We will have kiddos with cognitive disabilities. It will be challenging (in a good way) and I'm looking forward to learning a lot!

Hope all is well with you and yours!


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