Monday, June 13, 2011

BVI Adult: Week 1, Day 2

We've officially hit the ground running here at WLC. It's a whole different world outside the health lodge, but I am definitely enjoying myself. I appreciate my time off much more since I'm not just sitting around all day. It's taking some getting used to be sharing my space with other people--last year I had a room all to myself. It could be messy or clean or I could have underoos thrown everywhere. I even had a shelf to hide snackies on! Plus I had access to a bathroom I could be in alone.

GONE are the days, my friends! But like I said, I am enjoying myself. This week I am enjoying hanging around with our adult campers, offering them an elbow around camp, and hearing stories about their lives. I met one camper on Sunday who is from St. Francis. It sounds like he is practically neighbors with my aunt and uncle! Two of the campers in my cabin are totally blind and the other six have low visibility. These women, from the ages of 18-29, are a fun group and like to joke around and have fun. Our cabin is connected to another cabin by a common lounge area. The counselor in the adjoining cabin also has a younger group of women; we've been joking that we're running more of a sorority house than cabins!

I've spent most of the last day and a half out on the lake pontooning and paddle boating. Many of the campers really enjoy being on the water whether they are fishing, sailing, or relaxing. Again, we're running more of a resort this week, so I'm still trying to define my role as a counselor. I'm very much like a mama hen, always wanting to know where my campers are, even though they are more than welcome to stay out all night gallivanting with their friends. Next week will be much different; we aren't allowed to let the kiddos out of sight.

Tonight we have a polka band coming in, which a lot of people seem to be looking forward to. Thursday is the talent show, which is also a hot commodity as far as entertainment goes. One of the campers has asked me to do a duet with him, so I will have to look up the words and music for our song.

My time-off is quickly slipping away! When I get back at 5:15 it will almost be dinner time. In case you're wondering, I definitely like the food here :) So meal times are always exciting. A little noisy and overwhelming at times, but definitely enjoyable.


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