Saturday, June 18, 2011

Taking a breather

Our BVI adults are gone. I am enjoying a nice relaxing weekend before our first set of kiddo campers arrives on Sunday. These kiddos will be campers with cognitive disabilities. We will have three weeks of campers with CD, but not all in a row. I am looking forward to meeting my seven girls (ages 11-13) tomorrow.

Yesterday about 20 of us went to Stevens Point for dinner at a restaurant called El Mezcal. It was delicious! Afterwards we all met up at a little festival at the Rosholt Fair Park called Good Times in the Pines. They didn't have carnival games or fireworks like last year, but we still had a great time listening to live music and eating and drinking together. Afterwards we rocked the world of one of the local taverns. In a town of 519, people will notice when you're not a local. Especially when there are 20 of you!

Today has been sort of a lazy day. I went into Point with a few of the girls, because that's what all the cool kids do on Saturday morning. We ate at Taco Bell then just for kicks went to WalMart (this qualifies as entertainment when you work at a summer camp in the middle of nowhere.) On the agenda for the rest of the day, watching Season 1 of 24 and The King's Speech with Chelsey, and possibly Skyping with my family :-).

I will try to update again as soon as possible, which will either mean Monday or Tuesday. Next week I am going to start running during my time off.


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