Thursday, June 23, 2011

CD Week 1, Day 5

You might work at a summer camp if:
You swim for an hour in the morning and think to yourself, "Shower: check!"
Your boss walks in on you while you're in your underwear.
You wake up to the vocal stylings of Justin Bieber or Hannah Montana every morning.

Greetings from the end of our first youth week. It has been rainy and miserable outside everyday, but tomorrow should be nice. Too bad it's departure day!

My cabin full of 11 and 12 year olds has been interesting. I was actually pretty lucky because I probably have the highest functioning group of kids. They dress themselves, shower themselves, make their own beds without me asking, they serve themselves at dinner--in that respect this week has been a dream. The girls are all really nice kids. Even though over half of them are first timers, they've all adjusted quickly and have become fast friends, skipping around camp holding hands and such. Of course there is the typical pre-teen drama: she said this, she did that. But that comes with the territory of working with kiddos.

Bed time is frustrating. Three of the girls are little angels and go to sleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow. The other four are silly and giggly and apparently don't let a little thing like sleep get in the way of having fun at camp.

I will be adding more to this post tomorrow. It has been a long week, but a good one :)

Okay so when I said "tomorrow" I may have meant Sunday! Whoops!

On Friday I said goodbye to my first youth campers ever
. It was bittersweet--the week can become very long. I had two girls in the cabin who were sisters, and at about 11pm on Wednesday night one knocked out the others' tooth by slamming a cabinet door on her sister's face. How do these things happen?! Get in bed and stay there! On the bright side I had a TON of fun with the girls at the dance on Thursday night. They really enjoyed themselves. It's a great time for all of us to just be silly and have fun together. It is nice for the counselors because the area the dance is in is blocked off with only one entrance/exit, so we don't have to constantly worry about where our kiddos are. They can run around and mingle with friends from other cabins and it's okay. The theme of the week was Wild West. I wish I could show you how cute some of these kiddos costumes were! Instead, here are some pictures of staff!

It rained every day last week, which was hard on the kiddos and the staff. Many of our outdoor activities became indoor activities and changed shape from something active to something passive and borderline boring. You can only color so many times. We did have a fun girls' night since we couldn't go on our camp out. We played music and painted nails and sang camp songs. It was a good time!


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