Monday, June 14, 2010

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...SJ?!

As a part of staff training, we got to do most of the activities around camp that the campers will get to do. We spent one afternoon doing the high ropes/challenge course. This includes the rock wall, along with a bunch of wire cables nailed into trees high off the ground. You get strapped into a harness and hooked up to a rope and somebody belays you while you climb like Tarzan up in the trees!

I climbed the cargo net so fast that people were asking if I was in the Army!
Apparently I had the Army face.

They call this one "The Gap". You climb up the left side of the tree using big staples. When you reach the first platform, you pray to whatever god you believe in and jump across to the next platform! Rinse, lather, repeat!

This is the "Multi-vine". You climb up one tree and use the ropes hanging down to walk across the wire under it. I did this one first and it really built my confidence.
"The Chairs"! This one was actually a lot harder than it looked. And with my staff cheering me on I couldn't by show off by skipping a chair occasionally...I was pretty sore the next day!
Next to The Chairs was "The Beam". Basically a balance beam up in the air. Once I got comfortable walking backwards and forwards, I started doing handstands!
Just kidding! No handstands.
This one, which is hard to see is called "The Eagle." It is very high up. You walk on one wire and have two

Something I found very interesting was that all the things you see above, all of those scary looking ropes mounted high in the air, and that rock wall...ALL of our campers do these (or have the option to--we subscribe to the challenge by choice here at camp). Even our visually impaired kiddos can do high ropes! How cool is that? I can't wait to see them in action in a few weeks!


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