Tuesday, June 29, 2010

And now for something completely different

DHH Week 1 is going very well! This week we have 133 deaf/hard of hearing kiddos aged 6-17. Most of them are oral, only a few communicate using only ASL. We have three interpreters helping us out this week, too, rotating between activities and in and out of the Health Lodge.

These kids are great. I love watching them sign, especially the little guys. Their fingers move a heck of a lot quicker than mine. But I'm learning quickly! My signs for the day yesterday were "forgot" and "also". My phrase for Sunday was, "Slowly, please; I'm learning."

The Lodge has been pretty slow, thus far, although I did give out a cup of Magic Water yesterday for a stomach ache. Last night I had to take a kiddo to the hospital (for a non emergent situation), which was exciting. The interpreter came along which was neat for him because he wants to do medical interpreting one day. I missed my first camp out opportunity, but there will be plenty of other opportunities.

Yesterday I did get to go in the water with the kids and play water polo. Our team lost but we still had a lot of fun. After swimming we got to build a raft out of branches we found in the forest. It was a good team building activity, but the raft sunk once four boys jumped on it.

So that's DHH week thus far. Stay tuned, because it's only Tuesday!


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