Wednesday, August 17, 2011

CDYA, day 4

Has it really bee two weeks since I last posted? Perhaps it was two days and the calender is just lying to me?? Alas.

My last day of camp is tomorrow. The past couple of weeks have been very busy and very fun. My diabetes 2 campers were 16 year old girls and they were a blast. Because we were in the oldest unit (they all graduated at the end of the week) we got to go on a camp out. They don't usually do camp outs during diabetic weeks so that was a special treat! I got more bruised and abused because we were so active all week. I scraped up my leg tipping out of a kayak during kayak soccer then later nailed my shin on a picnic bench that I couldn't see in the dark. That left quite the bruise! I also bruised my arms playing some really intense games of volleyball!

And just when I was thinking that Diabetes 2 was the best week, I found myself taking on 22 and 23 year old adults with cognitive disabilities--six, to be exact. These girls are fantastic! They have so much love in their hearts and they just love to laugh and joke around. So far this week my favorite moment has been tandem biking and singing camp songs with Kristin, who now can't stop talking about our time together. This will be a short week--the adults go home tomorrow after dinner. We will be having the dance tonight.

I wish I could post pictures of the campers so you could see what I'm really up to--I hope my words are enough. Here are a few more pictures of what I've been up to.

Sports Week Dance. I'm Chelsey's #1 Fan!

I got Sneaky again and had to dress up like a clown and do a circus routine!

Splatter paint banner our unit made two weeks ago.

Our Unit Director, Jake, let the girls paint his toenails.

Albert and I at the banquet! He was on American Idol this past year!


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