Saturday, June 16, 2012

Hey I just met you!

Whew! Just one day away from the first week of youth campers, Summer 2012! Last week was Adult BVI week and I had a blast. I had a great group of ladies in my cabin who kept me entertained and in high spirits.

I am looking forward to having kiddos tomorrow. It is a CD week and I am set to have 5 campers in my cabin. My cabin mate, Paskah, is going to be running her own cabin for a week so it'll be Sarah and the Fab 5 hanging out in the Aspens! Feel free to send encouraging letters!

Wisconsin Lions Camp
c/o me :-)
3834 Cty Road A
Rosholt WI 54473

Even though I was set for this to be my last summer, I'm really feeling like I'm not done here. This place has such a big part of my heart. It's my happy place. I am looking forward to this summer, but in the back of my mind I'm also thinking that I want to come back next summer. I would like to try being a C.O.R.E director--be the one belaying climbers on the high ropes, leading team building activities, teaching archery lessons, etc. It looks like fun and would be a great "next step" if I come back to camp.

It has been hard being here without Chelsey, who is in TN nannying for her family this summer (check out her blog: ). So hopefully next summer we can be here together.  But that's a long way from now. One thing at a time! Stay tuned for more detailed updates from camp!


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Camp 2012: The Final Chapter

After a great weekend of training, the school week is taking forever. But I will be headed back this weekend for another amazing summer at camp :-) Stay tuned, loyal readers!